02 9648 8848
We deliver on honesty
- priding ourselves
on the trust that our
clients put in our
ability to create and
conceive a project. We
believe that integrity
is the first step in a
long-term partnership,
and approach all our
business relationships
with our front foot
Your goals are our
goals. We understand
that the work we do
is personal and often
gets to the heart of
our clientele. From
dream homes to
investment projects -
IDA is in your corner
and driven to get
the approval for your
project, combining
purpose with strategic
Our designers look
at innovation a little
differently - we
believe it is our duty
to innovate, to push
the boundaries and
seek difference not
just for the sake of
it, but because that
is what is required
to enhance our
client’s experiences.
Innovation is the
cornerstone of our
At IDA, we look
to break down our
relationship with our
clients, unifying with
them for the purpose
of seeking a common
goal. We understand
the importance of
communication in
overcoming collective
challenges, and treat
clients projects as our
own. If you are a client,
you are our family.
Why Choose Us
Let's Discuss
Your Next Project
Fill out the form, or call us to
set up a free in-home consultation.
Unit 43, 2 Slough Ave, Silverwater 2128
02 9648 8848